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Schoolsworks is a multi-academy trust in West Sussex. Our aim is to create small hubs of schools which work closely together to collaborate, share best practice and improve outcomes for children.


East Preston Junior School


East Preston Junior School is part of the Schoolsworks Academy Trust, a local multi-academy trust based in Bognor Regis and Littlehampton.

The Board of Directors of Schoolsworks Academy Trust are also its trustees and the governors of all our schools, including East Preston Junior School.  Membership of the trust allows us to learn from other well-performing schools by sharing good practice, by achieving economies of scale in purchasing services and by working together at a strategic level to ensure the future success of all the schools.

The trust has overall responsibility for the school, but is aided in its work by the work of the local School Community Council (SCC). This group is an advisory body, made up of staff, parents and community members.  The SCC works under the direction of the academy trust to support the strategic management of the school. The Schoolsworks' organisational chart can be found here.

The chair of the council can be contacted via the school office.

School Community Council members

  • Chloe Chamberlain (parent representative)
  • Carolyn Cruz (community representative)
  • Dave Coates (staff representative)
  • Tanya Fish (parent representative)
  • Jade Greenough (Acting chair and parent representative)
  • Jules Dallimore (community representative)
  • Roger Hackett (parent representative)
  • Lisa Monk (parent representative)
  • Gemma Pullen (community representative)
  • Michael Tidd (Headteacher)