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Schoolsworks is a multi-academy trust in West Sussex. Our aim is to create small hubs of schools which work closely together to collaborate, share best practice and improve outcomes for children.


East Preston Junior School


All pupils at East Preston Junior School wear a smart uniform.

JW Sports Online Uniform Shop

This page sets out the main principles of our approach to uniform. Full details are included in the full policy which is available from the policies page.

Daily wear

Daily uniform should be selected from the list of items in the table below.

Sweatshirts, cardigans, polo shirts and PE tops featuring the school logo can be purchased from JW Sports, but are not compulsory.

Items Colour
Sweatshirt or Cardigan Navy blue
Polo shirt or shirt/blouse Pale blue
Smart trousers, skirt or pinafore Navy blue*
Tailored shorts Navy blue*
Summer dress/playsuit Blue & white check
Tights Navy blue*
Socks Navy, black, grey or white
Shoes or trainers Black
Hair bands Plain design & colours

*The preferred colour for these items is navy blue; however, where this is difficult to source, grey will also be permitted.

  • Shoes or trainers should be entirely black in colour, and should not include a raised heel. Ankle boots are permitted. All shoes should include a toe cover.
  • White socks should normally only be worn with shorts or skirts/dresses; dark colours are preferred for full-length trousers.
  • Pupils with long hair should ensure that it is secured with a suitable hair band or hair tie so that it is held away from the face.
  • No make-up or jewellery is permitted, with the exception of a watch, and a single stud earring in each ear. Children should be able to remove and re-attach these items independently for PE and other activities.

PE Kit

  • PE t-shirt (in house colour)
  • Navy or black shorts
  • Trainers / Plimsolls
  • Optional tracksuit for outside games in winter

PE kit should be brought to school in a small bag - drawstring style is ideal - and kept in school through the week, as PE timetable changes may occur.

PE t-shirts in the school logo and house colour can be ordered from JW Sports.

Avoiding Lost Property

In a school with 300 pupils, it is almost impossible to identify the owner of lost property unless all items of clothing are named.

Please ensure that you label all clothes that come into school with your child’s name.

Second-hand uniform

Given the speed at which children grow, families will know that uniform frequently becomes too small while still in excellent condition.

Approximately once each term we hold a pre-loved uniform event at school. We will notify families of forthcoming dates and invite donations in the run-up to these. Unfortunately we are not able to store pre-loved uniform at other times.